Sponsor Our 31st Annual Fundraiser

Download our Sponsor Letter and Form. You and/or Your Business Can Still Be A 2024 Sponsor for our Online Auction and BBQ October 10 from 6-9 p.m. at Vista West Ranch 4505 McGregor Lane in Dripping Springs.
Gold Sponsors ($500) and above will have their business logo and or name scroll on our Online Auction site.
All Sponsors will increase brand reputation and awareness, earn brand recognition on the Online Auction site, as well as at the BBQ and be given prominent mention on The Friends Foundation website. When making a Sponsorship payment online, please download a Sponsor form, complete it and email to info@thefriendsfoundation.org or if you prefer, mail your Sponsorship form with your check to The Friends Foundation P.O. Box 8 Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Fundraising is essential to continue meeting the increased demand for our services, such as Our Daily Bread ™ our meal delivery program which has served over 70,000 meals; Lifeline Medic Alert Devices now provided to more than 35 clients; Financial Assistance of more than $20,000 to date and other programs.
Our services impact the quality of life for seniors in the Greater Dripping Springs Area and we count on local individuals, businesses and the community at large to help as we continue our Mission: “Doing good deeds to meet the elderly’s needs.” ™

Extra Special Angel Sponsor

Special Angel Sponsor
SPECIAL ANGEL – $2500 (Thank You)

Angel Sponsor
ANGEL SPONSOR – $1000 (Thank You)

Gold Sponsor
GOLD SPONSOR – $500 (Thank You)

Silver Sponsor
SILVER SPONSOR – $250 (Thank You)

Bronze Sponsor
BRONZE SPONSOR – $100 (Thank You)
